Sunday, April 17, 2011

French Fries Are Delightful


Words to live by.

From the blog Live.Love.Read. (which are more words to live by).

P.S. Here's how to make French Fries:

Hand-Cut Kennebec Potatoes uniformly and freeze.

Fill a cast iron skillet with peanut oil and heat to 325 F and line a sheet tray with towels. Once you have your temperature, put in some frozen potatoes. Do not cram and be sure to rotate. You just want them to go limp, then remove from oil and place on baking sheet.

Now heat your oil to 375 F and carefully place your potatoes back in the oil with some fresh sage leaves. Rotate them until they are golden brown. Remove and toss them gently with sea salt and fresh chopped parsley. 

Oh and don't forget Ranch Dressing

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